Scaling AWS Cost

Get a better understanding of your AWS costs and how to scale them

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Trouble scaling AWS?

Get free recommendations on how your organization could cut cost on your AWS bill, and scale more efficiently.

Simply fill out the form below and upload your AWS bill. I'll do a deep-dive into your setup and provide you with recommendations over email.



The recommendations will only be as good as the context you provide me with, so the more detailed the information you give, the more you help me help you!

How can I reach you?

First thing is providing an email where I can send you back our recommendations once I've gone through your context and bills.

Tell us about what your company does

This helps put your infrastructure into a context, e.g. if there are seasonalities to be expected, if you have traffic 24/7 or only serve users during the day etc.

Your role in the company

Optional, but I'm curious who reach out to me. This will help me better shape my services in the future for the right audience.

Upload AWS bills

Choose your last 3-5 AWS bills preferably in PDF format. Consecutive bills allow me to better get an idea of how your infrastructure scales, and which parts you're likely to want to focus on as you grow.

NOTE: You can download these from the AWS Console. I never share these with anyone, but feel free to blank out the address part if you are worried.

or drag and drop

PDF or CSV up to 10MB

Training on redacted version of your bill

If you absolutely don't want me to train on your bill, then opt-out here by unchecking the checkbox below.

Remember, I will redact all identifying information on the bill before I do anything with it internally! See here for a an example of what parts are redacted.

Are there any items that you would like me to focus on?

Maybe you have an area you're specifically struggling with scaling (e.g. RDS IOPS). Let me know, and I'll try to provide more thorough recommendations for those. Remember, the more context you provide, the more I can do to help you.


Have a different question and can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out by sending me an email to [email protected] and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

How does it work?

The process is quite simple:

  1. Fill out the form above and upload your AWS bill
  2. I do a deep-dive into your setup
  3. Receive the recommendations over email

That's it! No strings attached.

What can I expect?

I'll provide you with a detailed overview of how you could potentially lower your costs, or scale more efficiently.

The recommendations will only be as good as the context you provide me with, so the more detailed the information you give, the more you help me help you!

It will vary from general best practices, to specific services you could optimize or replace. If you're an AWS veteran, these might not be new to you, but if you're new to AWS, you might find some hidden gems!

Why am I doing this?

I've been working with cloud infrastructure for a long time, and am on a mission to help organizations scale more efficiently.

Every setup is unique, so by helping others I learn more myself and can provide better recommendations in the future.

What's in it for me?

Knowledge and exposure to more infrastructure in-the-wild.

And if you allow me, by not opt'ing-out, I will explore how I can automate these recommendations in the future for you, by training models on your AWS Bill data along with the recommendations I give.

Is any information redacted on the bill before training?

Yes! I will never train on any data that could be used to identify you or your organization. The first thing I do when I receive your bill is to remove all of the details that might be sensitive.

You can see a concrete example of what this might look like right here.

Where is my data stored?

The attached files are uploaded to CloudFlare R2 in their Western Europe region. Read more about CloudFlare R2 data locations here.